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Additional Resources

For more information about the historical neighborhoods featured in “Jewish Neighborhood Voices,” visit these primary and secondary sources.



Jonathan Sarna and Ellen Smith, The Jews of Boston (published by Combined Jewish Philanthropies, 1995)

Alan S. Pierce, A History of Boston’s Jewish North Shore (Arcadia Publishing, 2009)



Carol Clingan, “Massachusetts Synagogues and Their Records, Past and Present”

Norman H. Finkelstein, “Jewish Chelsea/Jewish America: Dreams and Realities”

Stephen G. Mostov, “Origins of Lynn’s Jewish Community”

Stephen G. Mostov, “Jews in the Shoe Factories”


Online Resources

Global Boston, a digital project of Boston College chronicling the history of immigration to greater Boston from the early nineteenth century onward

Mass-Pocha, the newsletter of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Boston


Wyner Family Jewish Heritage Center Collections

The Wyner Family Jewish Heritage Center at American Ancestors has many archival collections containing primary-source information about Jewish families, organizations, and communities in Chelsea, Dorchester, Roxbury, and Lynn. Click on the links to learn more about these collections.

Call Number Collection Name
I-101 Congregation Linas Zedek (Beth Israel) (Chelsea, Mass.) Records
I-114 Congregation Mishkan Israel (Dorchester, Boston, Mass.) Records
I-218 Jewish Family & Children’s Service (Boston, Mass.) Records
I-219 Anshey Dowig Association (Boston, Mass.) Records
I-220 and I-220A Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston Records
I-222 Congregation Ahaveth Achim Anshe Sphard (Chelsea, Mass.) Records
I-231 Hebrew Educational Alliance and Congregation Toras Moshe (Boston, Mass.) Records
I-239 Beth Hamidrash Hagodol (Crawford Street Shul) (Roxbury, Boston, Mass.) Records
I-313 Chelsea-Revere Hebrew School (Chelsea, Mass.) Records
I-336 Jewish Memorial Hospital and Rehabilitation Center (Boston, Mass.) Records
I-435 Jewish Welfare Centre (South End, Boston, Mass.) Records
I-436 Ostro Hebrew Marshoe Society Records
I-451 Hebrew College Records
I-454 Synagogue Council of Massachusetts Records
I-455 Beth Israel Hospital (Boston, Mass) Records
I-458 Temple Israel (Boston, Mass.) Records
I-462 Congregation Mishkan Tefila (Chestnut Hill, Mass.) Records
I-494 Boston Workers (Workmen's) Circle Records
I-515 Ladies Bikur Cholim Society (Roxbury, Boston, Mass.) Records
I-552 Elm Farm Foods Records
I-554 B'nai B'rith (Lynn, Mass.) Records
I-555 Aleph Zadik Aleph of the North Shore (Mass.) Records
I-556 Congregation Anshai Sfard (Lynn, Mass.) Records
I-559 Boy Scout Troop 4 (Sachems) (Lynn, Mass.) Records
I-562 Alpha Phi Pi, Alpha Delta Chapter (Lynn, Mass.) Records
I-563 Interfor Club (Lynn, Mass.) Records
I-564 Jecomen Club (Lynn, Mass.) Records
I-567 Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America, Post 31 (Lynn, Mass.) Records
I-568 Congregation Ahabot Sholom (Lynn, Mass.) Records
I-571 United Order of True Sisters, Heritage #53 Records
I-572 Jewish Federation of the North Shore (Mass.) Records
I-574 Temple Beth El of Lynn and Swampscott (Mass.) Records
I-575 Jewish Rehabilitation Center for Aged of the North Shore (Mass.) Records
I-580 Jewish Community of Lynn (Mass.) Records
I-584 Jewish Heritage Center of the North Shore (Mass.) Records
I-588 B'nai B'rith Women Greater Lynn Chapter No. 367 (Lynn, Mass.) Records
I-594 Hadassah Chapters of the North Shore (Mass.) Records
I-596 Jewish Community Center of the North Shore (Mass.) Records
I-73 Lynn Hebrew Young Men’s Aid Association Records
I-74 Boston YMHA-Hecht House Records
JHCI-002 Congregation Adath Jeshurun (Boston, Mass.) Records
JHCI-005 Jewish Women's College Club (Boston, Mass.) Records
JHCI-007 Congregation Beth-El Atereth Israel (Newton, Mass.) Records
JHCI-008 Harry Lipsky Company (Lynn, Mass.) Records
JHCI-009 YMHA Alumni Association (Boston, Mass.) Records
JHCI-015 Companions of the Forest of America Boston Area Circles Records
JHCI-020 The Maimonides School (Brookline, Mass.) Records
JHCP-001 Gaffen and Massirman Family Papers
JHCP-005 Icik Benkovitz Papers
JHCP-009 Lillian Glickman Papers
P-1000 Mildred Minnie Fishman Papers
P-1018 George Clint Frank Papers
P-1040 Sterling and Selesnick Family Papers
P-367 Meyer Azriel Rabinovitz Papers
P-531 Abraham and Frieda Wolper Papers
P-553 Milontaler Family Papers
P-555, P-55A Elihu Stone Papers
P-646, P-646A Leo Levine Papers
P-803 Wyner Family Papers
P-831 Altman and Spiewak Family Papers
P-864 Jacob J. Kaplan Papers
P-931 Steven Kellerman Synagogue Photographs Collection
P-995 Morton Shanok Papers

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