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Welcome to “Jewish Neighborhood Voices,” a project of the Wyner Family Jewish Heritage Center (JHC) that documents Jewish life in three Greater Boston Jewish communities in the first half of the 20th century.

Based on oral histories with 20 individuals growing up in the neighborhoods of Chelsea, Dorchester and Roxbury, and Lynn in the 1920s through the 1950s, this exhibit combines recorded stories with photographs and archival material from JHC collections—to bring these historical Jewish neighborhoods to life. You can listen to the full oral histories on the JHC’s Digital Archive.

In this exhibit, you will hear the voices of our narrators as they recall and relive their formative experiences with immigrant parents and grandparents, with Jewish customs and American life, and with the neighborhoods themselves. You can explore their stories by neighborhood, theme, or individual.

Join us to visit these vibrant Jewish neighborhoods of the past!

Visit the neighborhoods


Learn about Chelsea’s Jewish history, and hear memories of the area.

Dorchester and Roxbury

Learn about the Jewish history of Dorchester and Roxbury, and hear memories of the neighborhoods.


Learn about Lynn’s Jewish history, and hear memories of the neighborhood.

Explore the Themes

Meet the Narrators

Chelsea Narrators

Learn about the narrators, and hear selected stories of growing up in Chelsea.

Dorchester and Roxbury Narrators

Learn about the narrators, and hear selected stories of growing up in Dorchester and Roxbury.

Lynn Narrators

Learn about the narrators, and hear selected stories of growing up in Lynn.

Learn About the Project

About the Project

A project of the Wyner Family Jewish Heritage Center at American Ancestors, “Jewish Neighborhood Voices” is a collection of oral histories about the Jewish experience in three Massachusetts communities in the first half of the 20th century. Learn more about the goals, methods, participants, and supporters of the project.

About Neighborhood Voices

Watch a Webinar

Webinar: Introducing Jewish Neighborhood Voices

On Thursday, November 30, 2023, JHC staff gave a webinar about "Jewish Neighborhood Voices," which takes viewers on a tour of the online exhibit and gives background about the JHC's process for conducting and exhibiting oral histories. 

collage of photographs

Contribute to Jewish Neighborhood Voices

Jack Fox serving dinner, circa 1950s, Jewish Neighborhood Voices collection in the JHC archive.

Support This Work

Help the Wyner Family Jewish Heritage Center capture and preserve more stories from the Jewish past.

Quizdown at Shurtleff School in Chelsea, undated, Sterling and Selesnick Family Papers in the JHC archive.

Share Your Memories

Do you have stories from your own childhood growing up in these Greater Boston neighborhoods during the 1920s through 1950s?

Thank you for visiting! Please consider supporting the Jewish Heritage Center’s work to preserve, explore, and advance understanding of Jewish history and heritage.

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